Tyburn Convent, London, England
TYBURN CONVENT is a monastery situated right in the heart of London, near the famous site of the Tyburn Gallows where more than 100 Catholics were martyred during the Reformation. It is a cloistered community of benedictine contemplatives who live by the ancient monastic Rule of St Benedict. The charism and work of the community is prayer. Our Foundress, Marie Adèle Garnier made Tyburn Convent the home of the famous shrine of the English Reformation Martyrs of Tyburn. It is the Mother House of monasteries worldwide. In 1901 the young community of Mother Marie Adèle Garnier fled to England on account of the laws of France against religious Orders. “On the mission not on exile” was the spirit that inspired them then. They took possession of Tyburn Convent in London on 3 March, 1903; it was founded for the glorification of the Sacred Heart and of the English Martyrs, a work devoted to the conversion of the country which was known as an Island of Saints and Our Lady’s Dowry. It has as its special mission, prayer for the people of England and Wales. For more than a hundred years the Tyburn community has given the church and city a place of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. |
If you would like to get in touch with Tyburn Convent, please use this form: |
Tyburn Convent, 8 Hyde Park Place, London W2 2LJ Telephone: +44 (0)20 7723 7262
Holy Mass Times: |
Weekdays: 7.30 am |
Nocturns 5.30 am |
Eucharistic Adoration Day and Night. Church open to the public from 6.30 am to 8.30 pm and at night by arrangement. Tyburn Association of Adoration Guided Martyrs' Crypt Tours: Please contact us using the above form or telephone to confirm. Group visits by prior arrangement. Priests may arrange to celebrate Holy Mass at the Altar of the Martyrs. |
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